PKSA Ann Arbor North

Our new and improved karate summer camp is a full day program that incorporates various martial arts skills and topics throughout the day in karate classes and games. Available to current students and new beginner students!

The martial art style the campers will learn is Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan.

Tang Soo Do is a Korean style that means "The Way of The Open Hand to Defend and Strike" and has roots in various styles of martial arts including those found in Okinawa, China, and Korea. Tang Soo Do emphasizes discipline, power, and high kicks. In our style, we also learn practical and effective self-defense, stranger awareness, self-confidence, martial arts based Korean, and some cool tricks.

All campers have opportunity to test for belt rank at the end of the summer camps.

2024 Summer Karate Camp


5 Weeks to chose from - 35 Camper Spots per Week! Before & After Care Available!

Location: PKSA Karate Ann Arbor North

5692 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105

June 24th-June 28th

Summer Karate Boot Camp Week

Campers will focus on basic actions throughout the activities while learning the routines and expectations for camp. Campers and counselors will focus on the ins and out of how the activities and daily camp routines work. Skill wise, we will focus on creating strong stances, creating power in the basic actions, and precision with the techniques.

July 8th-July 12th

Self Defense Week

Focusing on self defense techniques and how to apply them. The campers will work on all of their partner work in curriculum classes but also extracurricular activities will work on adrenaline reactions and specific defensive scenarios. There will also be a focus on rolling and break falls to provide safe reactions to when falling or being taken down by a partner.

July 15th-July 19th

Fighting Camp - All About Sparring Week

With sparring as the focus, campers will work on drills and games to enhance their sparring skills. Campers will learn how to do tournament sparring and endurance sparring. We will also focus on learning how to judge sparring. Many of our favorite sparring class games will be included. Campers do not have to own their own sets of sparring gear unless they are already a rank that requires it (orange belt or higher) - families of new campers can purchase sparring gear in the app for an additional fee. If a camper owns sparring gear, they should bring it all week!

To control a weapon, a student (camper) must learn to control themselves. Campers and counselors will learn the basics and basic forms for various weapons as both traditional weapons and flash weapons. The weapons we will focus on will be bo staff, sword, kama, nunchaku, sai, and fan. Campers can learn or hone the forms in order to perform at a tournament in the future. Campers do not have to already own the weapons but are able to purchase their own after camp to continue practicing their weapon of choice.

This week our primary focus will be honing all of the skills and techniques the campers and students need to test for their next rank from beginner white belts through Black Belts preparing for Black Belt Recertification and Black Belt Candidates.

Below Black Belt Testing (Little Ninjas and Gups) - August 9th 5-8pm

Black Belt Testing and Recertification - August 17th - Details TBD

July 29th-August 2nd

Weapons Week

August 5th-August 9th

Belt Test Prep Week

Pricing for Camp







Not required but available for families that need extra time to drop off before work. Before Care is between 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM.


20% off total

For Campers that are attending all five weeks of camp and is registered and purchased before June 24th







Not required but available for families that need extra time to pick up campers after work. After Care is between 4 PM - 5 PM. Students may also wait around or participate during the evening classes if desired.

Single Day Discounts

Paying for 1 Day for camper:

Paying for 2 Days for camper:

Jr. Counselor & Sr. Counselor in Training Discount

50% off tuition

Sr. Counselor

100% off tuition

Program Leader - Paid Position







Our Summer Belt Testing for under black belt and Black Belt Recertification/Testing are at the end of our last week of camp. All campers have the opportunity to test for rank if they know all of the requirements and are ready! Current students that are a rank higher than white belt or Little Ninjas will still need to also fulfill the regular class attendance requirements with camp classes and evening classes to be eligible to test.

Discount Codes to Enter during Camper Registration

Sibling Discounts

For an additional sibling (2nd camper): Sibling1

For any additional siblings (3rd or more camper): Sibling2


Spots are filling up!


Camp Schedule

  • Additional Fee if desired early drop off - $10 per child

  • Campers can be dropped off and get settled in at camp for the day.

  • Starting the day off right by doing some exercises and stretches to get our bodies moving and ready for the activities of the day.

  • Monday Wednesday Friday - Theme Class

    Tuesday Thursday - Curriculum Class

  • Campers must bring two snacks to fuel them throughout the day.

    Social Games will be to get to know each other and form strong connections and friendships.

    Karate Chats will be on various topics that are martial arts focused.

  • Fun games that are to promote martial arts skills in a fun way. Some to go with the theme and some for fun.

  • Campers will need to bring a lunch. Down time activities may include watching old school martial arts movies (that are kid appropriate), reading time, coloring, and various other calming activities.

  • Fun games that are to promote martial arts skills in a fun way. Some to go with the theme and some for fun.

  • Campers must bring two snacks to help fuel them through out the day.

  • Cleaning up from a full day of camp to get the building reset for evening classes. All campers and counselors will help to ensure we are keeping our building up to standard cleanliness after a long day of camp.

  • Monday Wednesday Friday - Curriculum Class

    Tuesday Thursday - Theme Class

  • Campers will be picked up by adults unless hanging out during after care.

    After Care Additional Fee if desired - $20 per child. After care will consist of various down time activities that campers can choose from. Campers that are signed up for after care are able to stay through to evening classes.



A backpack or duffle containing:

  • A bagged lunch and 2 snacks * (Please no nut products)

  • A bottle of water

  • Sun screen and bug repellant

  • Play or street clothes

  • 1 extra outfit for mishaps

  • Hoodie or jacket

  • Karate uniform (if camper has one) not required during camp

  • Sneakers


*We have a microwave available for campers to warm up a lunch if necessary.

Counselor Opportunities

  • Jr. Counselor in Training

    Being mentored to become a Jr. Counselor by learning to support other campers in their group.

    -No Age Requirement

    -Pays full camp tuition

  • Jr. Counselor

    A junior counselor will provide guidance and support to a small group of campers that have 2-4 children per group - Jr. Counselors will support their campers to understand the karate material, game rules, and dojang rules and etiquette while also supporting their safety and positive well-being at camp. This counselor may support running and planning camp activities.

    -Age Requirement: 13+

    -50% off Camp Tuition

    -Must commit to full camp weeks

  • Sr. Counselor in Training

    This counselor position is a Jr. Counselor who is being mentored to become a Sr. Counselor by the Directors, Program Leaders, and a specific Sr. Counselor mentor. Sr. counselors in training will provide guidance and support to a small group of campers that have 2-4 children per group while learning how to manage both jr. counselors and larger groups of campers. This counselor may support running and planning camp activities.

    -Age Requirement: 14+

    -50% off Camp Tuition

    -Must commit to full camp weeks

  • Sr. Counselor

    senior counselor will provide guidance and support to 3-4 groups of Jr. counselors and their campers. They will help facilitate activities and assess their groups needs. Sr. Counselors support running and planning multiple camp activities.

    -Age Requirement: 15+

    -Attends camp for FREE

    -Must commit to full camp weeks

  • Program Leaders

    Responsible for the care, safety, protection and supervision of the camp environments, counselors and campers. The planning, preparation and organization of daily activities and site (set-up / clean-up) as well as minor administrative duties of camp. They may also communicate with parents and guardians about any concerns or progress.

    Paid position - Age Requirement: 18+

    -Required to complete safe sport, concussion awareness program, and background check. First Aid and CPR certified preferred

    -Must commit to full camp weeks

  • Camp Directors

    Responsible for the care, safety, protection and supervision of the camp environments, staff and participants. The planning, preparation and overseeing the organization of daily activities and site. Responsible for all administrative duties of camp. Directors are the final decision makers on camp safety and activity planning. They are the primary communicator with parents and guardians about any concerns or progress.

    -Completed safe sport, concussion awareness program, and background checks. First Aid and CPR Certified.


  • No! This camp is open to all students but also anyone interested in trying karate over the summer. All campers have the opportunity to test for rank if they attend most of the 5 weeks of camp.

  • No, campers are not required to have or wear their uniform. They may if they would like to during karate classes. Any camper that will test and continue training after karate camp is done will be required to get a uniform before their first belt test.

  • $30 for before care and $20 for after care per day.

    This will be an additional charge completed before the beginning of the week it is for.

  • We encourage anyone interested to come! We can work with your camper to see where their equivalent rank would be at our school for them to learn more. We would do an evaluation by a camp director or program leader.